CRAZY ROOTS – Original signed photography


Original signed photography – limited edition of 7

Printed on 70% hemp 30% cotton organic paper with Ultra chrome pigments


Recipe : Roots of 2 leeks, toothpick, 2cm rice noodle.

“How do they come to life these funny faces come to life?

Back to April 2020, during lockdown…It all starts with an invitation by Nicole Manfron, a friend from Marrakech. A friend of her David Leppan sets up an group and proposes to make ephemeral portraits to help those who are feeling lost, depressed, lonely,… during lockdown. You can find more info about this project here. I decide to participate and make one, then 2, then 3,… One every day until 72…

They get noticed on Instagram, my virtual tribe waits for the daily post… After 72 portraits i decided to stop.

With each expressive face preserved on my smartphone, I ultimately turn them over for professional editing at the insistence of friend and photographer Anita Calero. On heavy grammage paper, the “54+1 portraits” book comes to life in an edition of 250. It is available for purchase here.

Crazy roots ephemeral portrait original photography is available in 2 sizes.

30cm x 40cm – 7 signed prints

45cm x 60cm – 7 signed prints

The photos are printed on 70% hemp and 30% cotton organic Hahnemühle paper with ultra chrome pigments.